AspieMoji - Samsung Copywriter, UX writing

Cheil Centrade

Proposal 2019


Could you imagine what would be like to cannot read people’s faces? Welcome to the world of a kid with Asperger. Asperger’s syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder that affects 1 in 100 kids. Because they don’t simply can’t understand facial expressions, kids experience difficulty in social relationships and in communicating.

How about, with the help of the most recent S9 technology, we offer them a modern tool treatment approved by therapists. All free of charge.

Introducing AspieMoji

AspieMoji provides an AR EMOJI character that guides kids through a wide range of facial expression recognition games, that helps them rehearse their skills everyday. As an accurate tracker of emotions, the AR emoji doubles the facial expressions with the verbal description.


Level Systems

The application has several levels. Each level is dedicated to another facial expression and is composed of several exercises. Children will be able to move on to the next level only after they have done the exercises from previous levels without errors.


Correct or incorrect

After each exercise, if users give an incorrect answer, the AspieMoji character will appear to offer an explication through a short video about why the answer is wrong.

Review Tests

After each level, children will have a recap test that includes exercises of all levels learned before. The final exercise will be the same for each level: the users will take over the AR Emoji to practice the facial expression themselves. With the help of the facial recognition technology, the app will know if the users are expressing their feelings


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